Sourdough Bread
Recipes,  Tips

How To Make Sourdough Bread

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I love getting lost in my kitchen on days when it is too hot to be in the garden. How many of you can relate?

Living in Texas during the dog days of summer, some days are too hot to get out in the garden.  It can get to 90-95 degrees by noon. Those days I make sure the garden is watered, harvest what is needed in the morning and move to the kitchen. Today is was one of those days. My sourdough starter was in need of a feed so I decided to make fresh sourdough bread. It requires minimal work once you get your starter going however, it does need feeding each week.  Friday is feeding day. If I know I will be out of town on a Friday I feed the starter before I leave.

Sourdough starter has been around for many years. There is no official record of the longest kept starter however, there has been writing of a women who has kept her starter going for 122 years. This starter has been passed through many generations.  Sourdough bread is nutritionally healthier than ordinary bread. It is hard to beat a fresh loaf of bread straight out of the oven.

Now, here is what you need to do make your sourdough bread. Happy baking!

Gather Your Ingredients

The basic ingredients for sourdough starter are flour, water and a jar. Wild yeast which is in the air, in flour, and other surfaces in the key to getting the starter going. Wild yeast is different from commercial yeast. Commercial yeast replaces most wild yeast because it is works in breads and pastries quickly. However, wild yeast has a good flavor. King Arthur Flour has a sourdough starter which I used and have successfully kept it going for several years. It must be fed regularly. I keep mine in the refrigerator until I need it for bread. I have also made pancakes, waffles, english muffins, and pizza crust with my starter.

Make Your Starter

King Arthur Flour has a sourdough starter recipe which I used and have successfully kept it going for several years. It must be fed regularly. I keep mine in the refrigerator until I need it for bread. I have also made pancakes, waffles, english muffins, and pizza crust with my starter.

Here is my favorite starter recipe!

Let your starter begin working.

Here is my starter as I began my sourdough bread baking today.

Make Your Dough, Bake and Enjoy

I also use King Arthur Flour  Rustic Sourdough Bread recipe for my bread making. There are a variety of recipes out there but my family has enjoyed this recipe the best.

Enjoy the recipe I always use.

This bread straight out of the oven is so good especially with some butter.  Enjoy!

Cut loaf of french artisanal bread and a knife with butter on a linen cloth, selective focus.


“To dwell is to garden.”  –Martin Heidegger
