Canning,  Fruits,  Garden,  Herbs,  Tips,  Vegetables

Garden Planning

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Just because your spring garden is coming to end does not mean the work stops. There are plenty things to add to your to-do list for August and September. Start planning now and start prepping your calendar for the tasks below. I love using this garden calendar for all my gardening to-dos. I stay organized so I don’t fall behind on any of my garden upkeep.

Protect Squash

Ripening fall pumpkins & winter squash need to be protected. Slip something beneath them to prevent rot at the bottom.  I use a piece of cardboard.

Gather Fruit

Fresh picked apples

Any fruit fallen from the trees needs to be gathered.

Remove Self Sowing Seed Heads


Clip the seed heads from plants such as parsley and cilantro which tend to self seed. My garden could look like a wave of parsley if the seed heads are not managed.

Remove Spent Vegetables


By this time summer squash are finished for the season. The plants can be pulled up.

Remove Tomato Plants

tomato plant

Some tomato plants are done producing especially if they were planted early. They can be pulled especially if they are infected. Tomatoes can produce up until the first freeze which in some areas is late October. When the 1st freeze is anticipated, all tomatoes all pulled off the vine (usually green) and they are canned.

Work The Soil

Till The Ground

If plants have been pulled up, work the soil by hand or with a tiller.  Add compost.

Plant Lettuce And Spinach


Lettuce and spinach will provided a late fall crop.  Plant seeds in a protected part of the garden.

Start Canning

Canned Peppers

Many garden produce can be preserved. I will preserve fruit, peppers, green tomatoes and cucumbers.

Dry Herbs

Basil,sage,dill,and thyme herbs on wooden board preparing for winter drying

Oregano, basil, sage, & rosemary will be found hanging and drying around my mudroom.

Clean Tools

Gardening tools, seeds and soil on wooden table. Spring in the garden

Shovel, rakes, and other tools for garden use need some attention about now. Summer garden can take a toll on tools.

Plant Mums


Mums are a nice addition to the fall seasonal color.

Plan For A Fall Garden

harvesting carrots

Look for the bare spots and good fall performing plants.  Get an idea of the next planting season and what will be sowed. Some fall crops can be planted directly into the soil.  Carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, and beets. If the temperature has not cooled enough this can be delayed a few weeks.

Water System Check

soaker hose

Check soaker hoses for proper function.  Repair as necessary for good function during fall/winter months.

Hello Fall

fall trees

Fall leaf changing colors are some of the most breathtaking views.  Enjoy the color changes and find a quick trip to witness live.

Harvest Apples and Pumpkins


The apple trees are usually full and ready to be harvested. The pumpkin patch is overflowing. Preserving both is done at this time.

*Updated August 2020*

“We must cultivate our own garden. When man was put in the garden of Eden he was put there so that he should work, which proves that man was not born to rest.” -Voltaire