• Chef puts corn into the freezing tray. Storage in plastic containers
    Fall,  Fruits,  Tips,  Uncategorized,  Vegetables

    Simple and Easy Ways to Freeze Your Garden Harvest

    Stock your freezer with your vegetables and fruits you have harvested.  Freezing is a good alternative to canning if time is limited. I have done both. When I had a houseful of kids, freezing was my preferred method of preserving my harvest. HOW COLD IS FREEZING COLD Freezer temperatures vary, so they should be below 0 F to assure to inactivate bacteria. You want to retain vitamin content and quality as well.  Careful attention to how frequent the freezer is opened is important. The temperature can rise and be several degrees higher therefore using the back of the freezer is best.  The less the freezer is opened the better. FREEZER…

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  • Fall,  Garden,  Tips

    Cleaning Your Garden Tools

    Give your garden tools a seasonal scrub… By the time the gardening season is winding down, my garden tools have taken a beating.  I utilize a quick and convenient storage place right in my garden to store my tools during the gardening season. I use them daily so I want them handy when I need them. I assembled a mailbox on T posts. I drive the end of the T post into the ground in my garden. T posts are stout, and can be directly driven into the ground and there is no need for digging holes and setting concrete.  I keep my small hand tools, gloves, and some row…

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